Tegumi wrote...
nsl41288 wrote...
Well if you have the money to afford a Mac, then you probably have the money to afford a PC to play all the games on =X My uncle who does international business has a Mac laptop because he can afford it (6-figure salary) and that he's stuck in the mindset that Macs can't get a virus or spyware. He doesn't do shit on it besides work and itunes so it suits him well.
It's a wrong mindset, but probably won't get disproved anytime soon. (Nobody cares about Macs to make viruses for them, etc. xD)
System error.
Viruses have been made for the Mac, and some of them even rely on users being as stupid as they are.
"HURR PLAY POKER, KAY" "INPUT NON-ROOT PASSWORD, KAY" "use backdoor in Apple code" "SSH, sweet, nice line, another zombie to add to the pack."