I was gonna download it yesterday, but there were only shit-version out :?
Ended up DL'ing The Dark Knight instead (even though i saw it at release) and the Joker is still teh man :P
Anyway's, SAW IV kinda dissapointed me, so i don't think i'll go see V at the cinnemas, it'll have to be a download for that one
take my advice...if you wanted to dowload any movie...wait till it release through dvd or blu-ray...about 2-3 months after it came out from cinema...(i know it sucks to waits :( , but for unsatisfying movie...why not)same as buying dvd too... 8)
if you still want to watch the movie so bad...go to cinema near you
I tend to think it went downhill after the second one, but I rarely find anyone that agrees on that point. Most favor the third for the start of the downward spiral. Well, if you'll excuse me [time flies when you're drinking Rum]
The first one wasn't all that great, 2 and 3 were pretty good, but after 3 they took it too far they should have ended it... they're milking it way too much :S