TheDarkStarAlchemist wrote...
Dante1214 wrote...
The one thing I will say about them is that they have great band names,
But I just can't listen to this music.
I'm not entirely sure, but I think it's the vocals that really bother me.
Although a lot of bands make the same mistake speed metal bands make; they don't seem to realize that hard/loud/fast is not the same as good.
I don't know, it's a genre of sort of ambiguity for me, because of how much I like the music that influenced it. But maybe that's the problem; it doesn't do it's influences justice.
you might have a point there. i just don't entirely agree. i picked up screamo a few years ago.
my first introduction to the rock/alternative scene was linkin park. i loved 'em. still do. i went and picked up hybrid theory cuz i loved 'em so much. i was listening to the cd and then the second song came on; One Step Closer. then it got to the screaming part and i was like, "what the fuck is this shit?!" i'd never heard it before. after i listened to 'em more, i started to like screaming. then i discovered all screamo bands and ones with more screaming in it. now i love it. i even did screaming/singing in a band for a while before our drummer bailed out on a gig and we kicked him out.
It's not the screaming that bothers me, it's just how fucking...whiney it gets sometimes, man. And high pitched.
Noise isn't really a problem for me.
And as far as influences, I was talking about punk/hardcore punk, mostly from the 80's (if we are talking direct influence here).
Actually, my taste for punk leaves me a little sore on most of what is considered alternative rock these days. It has to do with the point of the music, I think. The rock music of an era is most often driven by the culture of the younger generation. That's were that rebellious rock feel comes from. But by the 70's and 80's, rock was running out of things to rebel against. There wasn't any big wars or repressions or such, so punk came out of a rebellion for the sake of it; an anger against the stagnation and boredom of society. I don't mean to write a paper on music history here, but my point is this; modern alternative is influence by that punk feel, but it's watered down and unoriginal now, it just isn't genuine. I mean, after you run out of things to rebel against, and then rebel against everything based on the fact that you have nothing to rebel against, were do you go?
So I feel that music had hit a slow spot, and screamo is just another genre trying to recapture the frustration of a previous generation. This is why so many kids make big deals out of small problems and try to manufacture shit in their lives; it's a desire to suffer to justify that damned teen angst.