Klorofolun wrote...
ShaggyJebus wrote...
rengo wrote...
why do Disney think they have the right to ruin perfect songs
rengo wrote...
perfect songs
lol, "Never Gonna Give You Up" isn't a perfect song. It's a shitty song from a shitty decade. Most people on the internet only know about the song or care about the song because of 4chan's stupid RickRolling bullshit. (Personally, I liked DuckRolls a lot more.)
Also, as far back as I can remember, "Never Gonna Give You Up" has been a song that people make fun of. In a TV show, if they want to show that a character is unhip or has bad taste in music, "Never Gonna Give You Up" is the song they'll have the character like.
It's like if at a concert, the crowd yells "Freebird!" They don't really want the band to play "Freebird." They're just mocking the band.
Did you actually listen to the video? -_-
The point isn't to discuss whether "Never Gonna Give You Up" is a good song or not (although Rickrolling is immensely fun), but to discuss the fact that Disney made a cover that is not bad, but so god awful that it makes you want to cut out portions of your skull and remove your ears.
Also, this is rengo's Youtube:
Disney made a crappy song even crappier. I understand that. I acknowledge that it happens, and it happens quite a lot. Disney likes money. That's the short and sweet of it.
And I hate when people say that "Never Gonna Give You Up" is a good song. It's a decent song, but it's not good, and Rick Astley doesn't deserve an award for shit. I admit, I vented my frustrations in what probably wasn't the best place, but every time someone compliments the song, I die a little inside, and I have to vent, or else I'll, you know, die.
I don't mean to take the thread somewhere rengo didn't mean for it to go, so I'll say this - Disney is evil. 100% evil. One of their singers doing a cover of any song wouldn't surprise me, though it may raise my hatred of them to even greater heights. Knowing that Disney has done a cover of "Never Gonna Give You Up" really doesn't surprise me, since it's been popular lately and Disney loves money, is evil, and so on. How bad the song actually is does surprise me though. And it's not necessarily the singing that makes it bad (though the singing isn't good either), but the rearranging of the music, the added shit that makes it sort of like a techno song. It is complete and utter shit.
And 12-year-old girls are going to eat it up like candy.
That is the worst part of it all.