Anyway, I've had a "near death flashback" if that's what you mean? Like, having pictures of my life rushing through my head when I thought I was gonna die.
Had it when I was a little kid, and a friend and I was playing on a.. well, let's call it cliff, it was a almost 90° drop of about 20 meters anyway right beside where we played. This was in the winter, we were all alone and the cliff was covered in snow and ice. I fell and started sliding towards the edge. As my legs reached it and I just could see the drop to the ground (that's when I had the flashback), I got a grip of a little crack in the ice and managed to keep myself from gliding over the edge. When my friend was gonna help me and pull me up, he slipped as well >,< man, that moment was panic! Anyway, he got hold of a... small tree? Shrub? or w/e you'd call it and then I climbed up holding onto him, and when I was at safe ground I pulled him up.
Also, I think the time when I tried to pass a bus on my scooter and a truck came from the other direction was kind of slow motion-ish. Was scary as hell at least, me being in between them when the truck passed, was maybe 10 cm away from each of them -_-