(>'.')>¿;= wrote...
so, about fullmetal alchemist... lol. it wasnt just the stone, it was humonculus and equivelent exchange and everything! from an fma point of view it sounds like it makes sense, are they trying to kill each other in order to obtain the pieces or? ive never heard of the series but im kind of intrigued.
*Cocks Gun*
Asshole. I specifically stated no FMA.
FMA took a large chunk of Alchemy terminology, and applied it to itself. The foundations were solid until the whole "Magical Circle" thing was introduced. I suppose it might have been possible, a long time ago, but nowadays Alchemy is basically just tweaking the nose of respectable physics. All great...hell, proper Alchemical methods have been lost, buried, or hidden.
Anyway, to answer the question, their creator instigated the "Alice Game", and they do have to fight. I'm only just getting around to the second season, so I don't yet know if they actually start infighting.