ImperialX wrote...
manbaby wrote...
do you know if the win7 from torrents screw you over in march
Do you know what an RTM is?
In case he really doesn't know, RTM stands for "Released To Manufacturing". The copy released to computer manufacturers(but this is usually the OEM version), such as DELL, HP, IBM to pre-install into their computers that will ship with Windows 7. In other words, the FINAL copy that will be released to the general public.
As for switching OSes, I highly suggest grabbing a Windows 7 64-bit RTM now that you know that it is the FINAL version :D XP was good, but it's way past its time. I suggest going for 64-bit due to the various advantages of a 64-bit OS, just post here if you want more info regarding 64-bit and 32-bit OSes.