Even my union is spreading propaganda. So I'm checking my mail and I get a union mailing, I think it might be something important but it's just fucking propaganda, Vote for Obama not McCain. Like I need them to tell me that. I've been a fucking Obama Supporter from the beginning.
Even my union is spreading propaganda. So I'm checking my mail and I get a union mailing, I think it might be something important but it's just fucking propaganda, Vote for Obama not McCain. Like I need them to tell me that. I've been a fucking Obama Supporter from the beginning.
i want to vote for Obama too!
yet i think his ideas are too much.
can he actually support all of those promises? is there even enough $ in the system?
well. whv. the hell with it go OBAMA! :]
Bah. To the bloody hells with both Obama and Mccain.
One of them has no fucking clue what to do, and simply yells out "I'll do it different! Change! Change!".
And the other is utterly convinced the wrong thing to do is the right thing, and yells out "Screw that other guy, he has no experience. I'M the right choice!".
I really dislike both our candidates this year, but assassination contracts on both would be too expensive, and killing just one would send completely the wrong message.
I really dislike both our candidates this year, but assassination contracts on both would be too expensive, and killing just one would send completely the wrong message.
I really dislike both our candidates this year, but assassination contracts on both would be too expensive, and killing just one would send completely the wrong message.
I really dislike both our candidates this year, but assassination contracts on both would be too expensive, and killing just one would send completely the wrong message.
Nonsense. That's why we have girl scouts.
poisonous cookies? or just loli-assassins?
I was thinking of doing some fund-raising, but the idea of an army of loli-assassins is more appealing to me.
I've been umimpressed with the available candidates so far... the last time I was excited about a president, I believe was Bill Clinton. Well I'd vote for Obama i suppose.
Well, if McCain won, and you assassinated him, or he just drpped dead, you'd have to deal with Chesty McBrainless as President.
And noone with any sense wants that.
On the other hand, Joe Biden is so greasy that every time I see him on TV I need shower.
So...choose wisely, America.