Simple question really. What's the best part of your mornings? What gives you the ability to get out of bed with tired confidence, or just out of bed in general?
In my case, its getting to sleep in on some days, snuggling close with the person I love most. Cherry's boobs are comfy pillows and they're warm and squishy, and if I'm close enough I can hear her heartbeat and it's oddly soothing, and also being snuggled with my back and butt gently rubbed and my hair played with while we gently quietly, and lovingly argue who's gonna have to get up first to make breakfast. Also plenty of kisses and rarely some sexy stuff happens too.
But when I can't sleep in and snuggle my girlfriend in bed, I look forward to making a decently sized breakfast, because I find cooking a fun hobby, and it's nice that my cooking is usually gets Cherry out of bed with a sleepy smile.
inB4 "Is Folgers in your cup"
There, I said it. Now you can't make that joke unless you actually drink Folgers branded coffee and it's the best part of your morning...