Ziggy wrote...
I've lost a lot of respect for the police, I saw recently on CNN how we need to send a message to kids in urban schools that authorities can be trusted and that they can go to them and be unafraid to 'snitch'
But it's just untrue, they have no regard for your safety at all, as Fpod says "They're not here to protect you, they're here to simply enforce the law"
It is a tough job being a Cop. I have several cop friends and they all tell me that while most people respect you and complement you for your hard work, those people are never the ones you have to deal with. It is always the ones that already hate you that you either have to interview for a crime or make an arrest on.
Society definetly needs to teach kids to be unafraid to "snitch" (I'd beat the shit out of someone who wouldn't give information on who stole from or killed my girlfriend cause they don't want to "snitch"). Hopefully the majority of decent cops don't have their lives placed in more jepordy because of bad cops giving them a bad image.