Uuuugh! I am beat. So I was minding my business a few hours ago, surfing Fakku, when my browser crashed. Not a rare occurance, but not common either. So after it crashes, my Explorer crashes as well. That's still fine, because unlike XP, Vista bounces back from Explorer crashes like an eight year old on cocain. Well, it suddenly starts looping. Explorer crashes, reboots. Crashes, reboots. Here's the thing, I ignored my GUT instinct to NOT shutdown or logoff. My instinct was to push in my power button and shut it down instantly.
... I did not do this, and if I had done so, I might not be in this current predicament. You see, I logged off and the severe error I was having was saved into my registry, therefore the problem remained when I logged back in/rebooted my machine. A system restore did not erradicate the problem, and since I logged off instead of doing a forced shutdown, the option 'last known good settings' was unsucsessful in removing the problem, as the catastrophic error was set into the registry. Sigh. I was forced, after several different tricks/methods, to reinstall my OS and loose ALL of my beloved hentai :cry: Fortionately, I had a lot of it backed up; my files as well. Thing is, I only do full backups every three months, and I was a day or so away from doing it again.
I am so bummed out right now, but I guess I wanted to see if any other Vista users ever had this happen to them, as I am curious. If yo ever do, by some random chance, DO NOT shutdown/logoff by means of your OS, hold in your power button until it shuts off instead. The reason is this, the error I had was saved into registry when I logged off, and is the reason I got the damn error every bootup from that point. The thing is, choosing the 'last known good configuration' [or whatever; the name varies with machine/OS] loads your most recent registry settings BEFORE the error, and if you logoff instead of force a shutdown, this will not help.
It is interesting to note that I did not have the opportunity to logon to another account, so I have no idea if the error was saved into the HKEY_USERS folder as well, or just the HKEY_CURRENT_USERS folder. Well, while depressing, I am such a freak for solving issues that I find this error extremely intriguing, and I welcome any thoughts on what the hell coulda caused it. Anything I did to try to fix the problem was done with the advanced startup options you get when pressing the F8 key before the OS boots up, because while logged on, I couldn't get anything done. The Explorer would crash every five to eight seconds, then reboot. I love the mystery of this. [AT9]