Not many people realize the effect taxes have on people. Especially those on set salary. Im talking about people who live off that two-week pay check. They barely scrap up $400 dollars on 40+ hours. Im one of them and its hard, I have to keep my job cause i dont have choice. With salary like that its hard to make a living even for by yourself. You have bills, insurance health, dental, car, electricity, credit cards, cable, phone, gas, and school. This needs to be paid off before the end of the month and you can't even write this off for your taxes, you can for some but it doesn't help. Especially if you've taken loan out more than once. By the end of day when i get paid i barely have thrity dollars in my pocket if im lucky and that goes to groceries, gas for my car, and pack of smokes to keep me from going off the deep end. I know smoking is bad for me, but you know what i have perfect blood pressure, and my lungs are fine according to my doctor, and ive been smoking nearly ten years now. Sorry to those who are reading this I rant alot and I have alot to say. As taxes go they are hurting us. People buy less when their broke and they'll do that especially when it comes to gas and cigs. Now food is being taxed even higher than before. If people don't buy the same amount as they did before the tax increase then we'll be seeing higher prices before long because the gov. isn't making enough money.
For example the last register cenus for U.S.A. population of legal citzens is 304,014,274 people now take gas prices $4 a gallon if every citzen purchased 20 gallons worth thats $64 out of your pocket.(everything is times and without tax cuts so this raw numbers and are entirely not perfect) The result would be for one day is $19,456,913,536.00 times that by one year $7,101,773,440,640.00 thats in trillions, and yet we're broke somehow. Now do the same math with cigs. Gas and Cigs pay for alot of the economy and gov. isn't gonna get rid of smoking or drugs cause it keeps their pockets full.
oh yeah we shouldnt fear the gov they should fear us. Is famous quote but i cant remember who said it though. And it's true
(to admin or to whoever can you move this page to serious forum section I don't know how to myself.)