Basically what happens is a guy at work looks at email and sees one form a friend that says picutres from vacation or something.
He opens it and it spams his screen with bestialiity porn and his supervisor comes over right then, and hes fired.
He tries to get more jobs but whenever they ask why he was fired it blanks out to the next scene.
He ends up at his parents house and tries to commit suicide many times, and fails.
One time he tries to set himself on fire or something but ends up squirting oil all over the garage and tries to clean it up with a teddy bear. His parents open garage doors and see him swabbing himself with the bear whiel oiled up.
I forget how it ends.. and thanks in advance if anyone can recall what the title is
I tried searching funny in youtube but seems yield no result tht causes me to absent 2 days from the forum..... (Cannot doze off or else the las plagas is gonna come get me, must aim properly.....)