Of all the luck, I finally get my Dell XPS m1210 notebook back from my grandfather (he wuz borrowing it cuz his comp blew up on him, literally) and wouldn't you know it, the disk drive is blown. I can't seem to figure what happened to it while it was with gramps, unless he was making a bunch of cd's or dvd's with it and burnt it out... Anyway, all I know is that when I got it back I went to load sum new cd'z onto itunez, and the reader wouldn't recognize them. It kept telling me to put a disk into the reader when there waz already one in it. I found that by restarting my computer I can get about 2-3 disks to work, then I have to restart again to do another 2-3 disks, and so on and so forth. The good news is grampz iz in town still and, being the rich ass college professor and bachelor he iz, he is going to get a new external disc drive for me, and upgrade my external hard drive from a 120gb to a 1tb model that supports usb 2.0 and firewire 400 dual-connection, as well as a firewire 800 and an eSATA conection. I may even be able to get a kickin new 2.1 speaker set with sound quality that supposedly rivals that of most 5.1 systems out of it, which will free me up to purchase that eSATA connection card instead of buying the speaker set on my own and utilize that and its 3gb/sec data transfer rate with my new external drive. All in all, it may have blown goatz at first but it ends with an epic win for me. Viva el richo relativos!!!!!!!!!! :lol: