Fuck, what is wrong with the world. People are dying every day and all they care about is who has the biggest fake tits, newest car, most drugs, and who is dating who. Is it just me or has the general population been brain washed by all the “hype”, It’s new, it’s big, it’s better. Fuck who cares. Do you really need a new car that can go 100 in .5 seconds big whoop, it still gets 10 mpg. Your last one is 3 years old and you still haven’t paid of your $70,000 credit card debt. It is all stupid crap that means what? Look I’m not against material possessions I’ve got a lot a great things, (games, a fast computer, a lot of anime DVDs) but they don’t not rule me. People see things and they just go I need it I can’t survive without it… o really last time I checked you don’t have it and wait your still breathing so you can go on without it. I was in class Senior History and we were studying the holocaust and this girl goes why do we have to study this and I quote “stupid crap it doesn’t matter they’re all dead” stupid crap what the hell is wrong with this girl? Can she not hear the words coming out of her mouth. The teacher gets pissed and gives us a pop test (yes test 15 pages front and back long answer 8 sentences or it does not count) all about stuff that from his collage level course next block. And I ask if I can be excused it because I was the only one carrying on the discussion, and the girl from before says that I need to shut my mouth because I’m an “ass-hole who doesn’t know what really matters”. Well fuck I’m glad you have it figured out, then will you please tell the rest of us hopeless idiots who need guidance what it is all about because I just don’t get it. Does any body know what the hell is wrong with people these days because I sure don't.
Sorry you have to listen to my ranting just needed to vent.
Congrats you've realized the world is full of dumb people. Now stop bitching about it if you don't have a solution. Though feel free to bitch at individuals for being dumb, you never know you may make them feel bad enough to try not being stupid for a change.
you know what you could do, take a small impoverished country, inspire the masses of that country by blaming all of it's problems on the same stupid people you hate. You could be named Emperor of that nation and amass a huge military force. You could then start a war by invading a smaller less powerful nation and when you arrive place all the stupid people inside fenced off areas of the cities... call it a ghetto. After that you could spread your war across multiple continents and decide you need the resource the stupid people take up and decide to place them in forced labor camps... after that you could systematically kill everyone of them over a period of a few years with nerve gas. All in all you will probably be able to kill about 6 million stupid people before the rest of the world reacted... oh wait... I've heard of this idea before...
I'm just having fun, just deal with it; stupid people are everywhere.
ya, hate to break it to ya bro but the world is full of stupid people, and apparently they breed better than smart ones so there are more and more of them everyday. So about your only option is to surrender to the idiot masses, or dedicate your life to finding small refuges of intelligence. I chose the latter myself, I'll let ya know if I ever find any
>.< ... Didn't think i would find something like this on fakku
I agree,smart people with common sense are far and few between, if you find one hold on tight they might become your link to sanity.
I've never been one to care about the 'material' things in life, and yes, loads of people are dieing which is horrible because the material people of our world only care about themselves and their precious cars or manicures or whatever.
It pisses me off to know how selfish people are... so selfish to only care about themselves and no others when someone else gets hurt.
Stop people dying is government's job. That's what our abidance and tax should work into. Government is the closest thing to superheroes. So enjoy life, don't add up to the fucked up.
People are born idiots at first, we just grow up to not be an idiot (though not all do go that way, unfortunately...), welcome to the world of people where all sorts of crap happens.