What is Your Reason(s) in joining Fakku!?

What is Your Reason(s) in joining Fakku!?

Total Votes : 104
Found Fakku when I first got into hentai, but joined much later. I actually made an account just to save my favorites. This site comes up on google really quickly when you search for hentai.
It was the spring of 2010, I was an over the top closet otaku

Fakku changed that man, that man no longer exists.

I don't know to whom I am more disgusted with, my previous self or the man I am now today.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
  • Why did you join fakku?

Initially to use the Favourites feature and to request why there was no DDL link on a front page news post. Because I was a total noob to torrenting and was oblivious to what it was.

  • When did you join join Fakku?

Stupid question. If you really want to know, look at my profile. I can't be fucked to check.

  • How did you get here?

I keep telling this story. When I was a young lad, no older than 13? We got an internet box so I could browse the internet using the TV with a Wireless keyboard. Naturally all I did was look at porn. I gained an interest in Western cartoon porn, and eventually Japanese cartoon porn, Hentai. Even drew one of the images I'd found which I particuarly liked. Still got the picture, but can't find it on Google anymore. She resembled Sakura from Cardcaptor Sakura, but slightly older and was naked but wearing a towel. I found it cute, yet erotic. Might have to upload it and shove it in Requests sometime.

Anyway, we got rid of that box and 2 years later bought a PC and got internet, but no longer looked at Hentai. I re-kindled my interest in Hentai about 8 months before I joined Fakku, and began frequenting a website named HentaiDreaming. It was an amazing site, so many videos, the layout was easy to navigate and the owners frequently uploaded more. Then it got shut down. Copyright and licensing. The website and its chatbox was still active for about a month after it was shut down and someone on the chatbox pointed me in this direction.

  • What made you check it out?

I'd gained an interest in WINcest manga, as HentaiDreaming also had a sister site called HentaiReader.
I joined mainly for the Doujins and stuff, but then I ended up going into the forums and well, I am where I am now.
I found Fakku after searching for some Soul Calibur hentai and this was the only non-pay site that I found that had that and more. Then, four months later or so, I wanted to check out the stuff from the user uploads section. However, that section was reserved to members at the time so I had no choice but to register. After that, I started checking the forum and I liked the community. The fact that I could find a place where I could talk about this stuff freely and the community being the best I have experienced(still is) made me stay here. Four years later, I'm still here and I will be for a long time.
Why did you join fakku? Because I wanted to.
When did you join join Fakku? May 2008
How did you get here? Not sure really
What made you check it out? It had tits.
From Jab comix > Hentai videos > Hentai torrents (also videos) from Sindalf, [size=10]didn't give him any credit for it[/h] > Fakku! (was here for an hour max, almost 10 months ago) > Redtube > hentai > Fakku!, Stayed since.

Made the profile for favorite feature and for the Forum.

Look at my join date, that's when. I'm one of the few none-lurkers. Began posting right away after i got my fix'd PC.

Stayed because this forum is faster then the other forum i used to go to.

E.g: Make a topic on Fakku, 100+ views in 1 hour.
The other forum, 50+ views in 1 week. Legit facts.
Gravity cat wrote...
  • Why did you join fakku?

Initially to use the Favourites feature and to request why there was no DDL link on a front page news post. Because I was a total noob to torrenting and was oblivious to what it was.

  • When did you join join Fakku?

Stupid question. If you really want to know, look at my profile. I can't be fucked to check.

  • How did you get here?

I keep telling this story. When I was a young lad, no older than 13? We got an internet box so I could browse the internet using the TV with a Wireless keyboard. Naturally all I did was look at porn. I gained an interest in Western cartoon porn, and eventually Japanese cartoon porn, Hentai. Even drew one of the images I'd found which I particuarly liked. Still got the picture, but can't find it on Google anymore. She resembled Sakura from Cardcaptor Sakura, but slightly older and was naked but wearing a towel. I found it cute, yet erotic. Might have to upload it and shove it in Requests sometime.

Anyway, we got rid of that box and 2 years later bought a PC and got internet, but no longer looked at Hentai. I re-kindled my interest in Hentai about 8 months before I joined Fakku, and began frequenting a website named HentaiDreaming. It was an amazing site, so many videos, the layout was easy to navigate and the owners frequently uploaded more. Then it got shut down. Copyright and licensing. The website and its chatbox was still active for about a month after it was shut down and someone on the chatbox pointed me in this direction.

  • What made you check it out?

I'd gained an interest in WINcest manga, as HentaiDreaming also had a sister site called HentaiReader.

my little sister brought me here,i saw this site in her browsing history a year ago
I signed up for the site a few months back, in order to vote and comment on a poll about which route I played on katawa shoujo. I had already been browsing the site for some time, though. I had found fakku from the fakku fap game that was once popular on 4chan :/ I was too young to actually join at the time however. I'm legit.
I started fakku with out a account and made a account later when I was Ready but the true part is I looked up free English hentai books and saw fakku.net on it and clicked it and started with my faviorite manga series and after over 48 or more hentai read i made it my site for hentai after 2 days.
Why did you join fakku?
I did it on a whim. I wanted to respond to a poll on Fakku's Front Page so I created an account for that.

When did you join join Fakku?
Like three days ago.

How did you get here?
I was on Doujin-moe just reading the comments on H because that's what you do when you're reading H; you read the comments to get a laugh. Someone in the comments mentioned of fakku having a different selection and I'm all like "What the fakku is fakku?" I was skeptic though hoping it wasn't some virus and malware site and found out it wasn't filled with virus and malware.

What made you check it out?
For H.
ok cutting the bs off, my bf will be busy for a few months and ill barely be able to talk to him. so im forcing myself to be online instead of going out partying and just getting tempted you know.

as to when i joined, a few days ago?

how did i find this place, i just remember it from anime expo. i assume, IT being a hentai forum, its got adults here and i can just say whatever and no kiddy filters? i hate those
When Did You Join FAKKU?
February 2008 (Forgot exact day)

Why Did You Join FAKKU?
In the past Nosebleed and Doujinshi. But right now Forums, Nosebleed, and Doujinshi.

How Did You Get Here?
I was on another site talking about Hentai and got linked here.

What made you check it out?
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
The site, to read the doujins. I made an account to access the User Uploads.
Check my profile...
Google Images...
... the clean layout, I suppose?
xlightxmonkeyx wrote...
Why did you join fakku?
When did you join join Fakku?
How did you get here?
What made you check it out?

Because I can.
Check my profile.
-Why did you join fakku?
I want to find good hentai and stuff, also wanted to help Fakku progress further.
-When did you join join Fakku?
I know Fakku since 2007 and decided to join, but then I lost the account and rejoin in a month ago.
-How did you get here?
Stumble upon when searching hentai.
-What made you check it out?
Being curious.
ya , and also to find more friends in the long run.
It was pure random. Found site, checked it out, then joined.
I joined Fakku because I had never been part of a forum and I wanted to give it a try.
Monster Girl
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