Earlier yesterday, while taking a bus down to the CBD, thoughts of Mimi from D Grayman flooded my mind. (Oh Shi-, if Shinobu, Nodoka or Haruna were to find out that I was thinking of some other girl, an Akuma to be exact, my life isn't going to be very peaceful over the next few days.) Call it one of the unsolved mysteries in our universe, but one way or another, it inspired me to start this very topic.
What kind of voice on the opposite sex turns you on? Cute and child-like? Deep, coarse and husky? Average, neither too high nor too deep? Or would you rather they remain quiet and silent all the time?
To make this topic slightly more complicated, have you heard of voices that are "incompatible" with the other party? A hot female with an excellent figure having a deep coarse voice or a bulky male sounding high-pitched? At the same time, there are people who possess the voice of angels, yet their looks aren't exactly to our tastes.
Share your "voices" experience in this thread! :)