Not sure how to answer this or is there an answer to give. I guess it's up to how your collection and weeb stuff is situated and the amount. If you have a whole other room just for your hobby or habit then really only when you are actually together as in she the only one you're dating exclusivity. If it your bedroom or living room then before you ask her over or when your going out you might wanta slip it in the conversation secretly like in what your in to/hobbies/interests. If you place is a shine to weebdom or your waifu then well unless the chick a weeb then i'm not sure how to ease into it. But this is also the same with anything that to extreme or varied interest from coins to gaming to porn to history.
I can only say what i see and done. To tell the truth my weebness is the least thing that people aren't frilled with. It's like anything some people just don't get it or against. Some women porn is a no no or gaming or even your political stance. You can't win them all. That being said i never had a person be against or even slightly weirded out about my collection or figs or even my porn choice. I had one girl found it weird i was using chopsticks while eating chinese or japanese food, but that because she couldn't nor a lot of people using them or i like making preserved item, but that because im from a poor background which we had to do it to survive the winters. Hell every mexican chick found it weird i mix mayo in my tomato and pasta soup every mexican knows as sopa. My shine to waifu and anime was the east weird thing about me. My old lady is more freaked out on my perversions then my hentai collection... well the guro she hates but she a lolicon so fuck her.
The point of dating is to get companionship and sex. If you get to the point you want her as a girlfriend or partner then you might need to clue her in to your vices and dallies before she see you read a manga with a hard on. You might want to tell her i like japanese anime and if she wants to know about to then tell her without geeking out. Don't go total fanboy mode. Outside of that i can't add anything at this point.