Stonedtanuki wrote...
Ryssen wrote...
You can get second hand off Mandarake.
Real good selection, too.
If your not Californian or from New Jersey. You have to pay by paypal but no adult item to start then. Even a long time user like me can't even get them to trust a visa card because not a 3d. (I bought tons before there new dick rules)
There places like amazon and ebay... mostly dicks who price shit high. Jlist has some but package your stuff like a 3 yr old. IF you know proxy shipping places like japanese amazon, Melonbooks and Toranoana are best. You can try They order it and ship it to you like a proxy if you don't wanna do the work. They add 8% for there fees.
Cons are good and some comic stores do it. I still like ebay, but only for a deal. Go jlist or buydoujinsh if you want the typical order and pay hassle. Good selection you do what most buyfag do and proxy. If you live in a place mandarake don't have fraud rules then their best. Cheaper because most is used.
Jlist shipping is not bad if you buy doujinshi or a book since they ship from japan straight now. It's the same if anyone send me anything from japan. If you go to the proxy shipper route then you pay japanese local shipping then international and the commission fee. So use stores have do free local or bulk. Saves 4-10 bucks sometimes.