Why are asian women so attractive?!

African American with a pinch of Trinidadian. Although I'm one of the more less typical looking ones.
Trinidad? Isn't there the stereotype that guys love Carribean girls?
But like I said, a cute girl is a cute girl regardless of ethnic background.
Maybe you should post your pic in the appropriate section so all the creepy guys can dote on you and call you cute?
artcellrox wrote...
This may sound like a long shot, but I may like Asian women...because I'm kinda Asian myself? '__'

You're psuedo-asian.
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
Sprite wrote...
artcellrox wrote...
This may sound like a long shot, but I may like Asian women...because I'm kinda Asian myself? '__'

You're psuedo-asian.

Oh for God's sake, not this shit again.

Kadushy wrote...
MisterE wrote...
A cute girl is a cute girl, regardless of their ethnic background.
artcellrox wrote...
Sprite wrote...
artcellrox wrote...
This may sound like a long shot, but I may like Asian women...because I'm kinda Asian myself? '__'

You're psuedo-asian.

Oh for God's sake, not this shit again.


Hey Artcell...I think I found my ammunition. That didn't take long.
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
MisterE wrote...
artcellrox wrote...
Sprite wrote...
artcellrox wrote...
This may sound like a long shot, but I may like Asian women...because I'm kinda Asian myself? '__'

You're psuedo-asian.

Oh for God's sake, not this shit again.


Hey Artcell...I think I found my ammunition. That didn't take long.

Ammunition for what?
How does this relate to the project? there is insufficient data.
artcellrox wrote...
MisterE wrote...
artcellrox wrote...
Sprite wrote...
artcellrox wrote...
This may sound like a long shot, but I may like Asian women...because I'm kinda Asian myself? '__'

You're psuedo-asian.

Oh for God's sake, not this shit again.


Hey Artcell...I think I found my ammunition. That didn't take long.

Ammunition for what?

How soon we forget. Apparently I'm unimportant. Stupid newfag status. *Tear*

MisterE wrote...
artcellrox wrote...
MisterE wrote...
artcellrox wrote...
MisterE wrote...
Ugh -_- Should have known that would be thrown back at me one day.
Besides the fact that that term is ridiculous, those don't count.

Sorry, bro. I'm not really the kind to hold a grudge, but when I find something that lets me poke some easy fun at a user, I jump on the chance. This certain couple I know are quite the easy targets, or they were a while ago, at least.

And why not? Still fapped to a real chick. Still counts.

Nah, I'm fine with it. I may pretend to be upset that it's brought up, but it's amusing when people 'poke fun', as you refer to it. You have to have a sense of humor, what's the point of living if you don't? Once I get some ammunition on you, I'll return the favor.

And, to answer your question, girls that I meet online aren't the same as girls you meet in real life. So, let me rephrase my initial comment. *Clears throat* "Perhaps that's the reason why I've not had much luck (and by this I mean none) with the tangible ladies." Better?

Good to know you're not mad. And I see...

As for getting ammunition on me...

Forum Image: http://k.wigflip.com/8ENIxPqo/roflbot.jpg

Hmm, a friendly challenge. In the word's of Ricky Bobby's young son, Walker, "I'm gonna come at you like a spider monkey!"

This may be somewhat difficult since I don't frequent these forums enough to know much about you, but now I will stalk your every post in order to get my ammunition...
AvatarEnd wrote...
How does this relate to the project? there is insufficient data.

Perhaps the asian race is instrumental to our project? Further analysis required.
AvatarEnd wrote...
How does this relate to the project? there is insufficient data.

We can still use this. The data is there, we just need to dig...
I feel like you need more facts to back up your opinions. This thread is irrelevant.
It is nothing but a mere illusion placed into your feeble mind, young one. You are but a fool.
Above the starry-sky judges God, the way we judged.
More subjects increases our chance of succeeding, make love to all of the wimminz.
akichuu wrote...

Your retribution will be swift and merciless.
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
akichuu wrote...

Get back in the basement!
There are irreversible consequences of misunderstood facts. Let's take it slow.
God's in his Heaven, all's right with the world, but Q seriously needs to stop whooping.
Monster Girl
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