As most of you would know by now, outbreak of the Influenza A (H1NI) virus, formerly known as Swine Flu, has put governments all over the world on high alert. Measures such as temperature scanning, all the way to the quarantine of suspected patients, have been put in place to prevent further spread of the disease, though results concerning its effective control will only be seen over the next couple of days or weeks.
[font="arial black"]Due to the Influenza A outbreak, did any of you put your travel plans on hold?[/font] For those of you who remember, I had planned to visit Japan in August, with the intention of attending Comiket 76, and also the possibility of meeting up with some Fakku members.
[font="arial black"]Although August is still 3 months away, would it be wise for me to postpone my plans till the end of the year, or perhaps next summer?[/font]
Although some believe that the media has overblown reports of the outbreak, as well as the harmful effects of the virus on humans, governments apparently are not taking the chance. If the need arises, they will not hesitate to track down individuals for quarantine purposes.
My main concern for now is that of bad luck. If someone in the same flight or living in the same hotel as myself have caught the virus, then everyone else who has come into contact with that particular person may be quarantined. Not sure if an employee can get dismissed from work due to being quarantined and absent from work. And all of us know that times are bad...
Like Tsukasa, I am definitely feeling somewhat scared.
P.S.#1: I wonder if this is considered a travel topic? :D
P.S.#2: I will keep you people updated on the Fakku meeting at Comiket 76, for those who are still interested.