anyone had one recently?
here's mine (in order)
-my 5-year old ipod breaks down after just connecting it
- spend the next 7 hours trying to fix it in vain
- had to go to sleep at 4 am (i was like "FUCK THIS")
- a huge ass tree falls in the middle of my driveway
- decided to take a bike through the woods (its a shortcut)
- falls into a small river that i didn't see
- gets my pants and shoes in dirt, mud, and possibly shit
- was late to school and had to use my old shoes
- old shoes gets a new hole
- turns out i had a bad throat
- neck hurts like fucking hell
- kept coughing out phlegm
- and almost passed out in the middle of the day which got my teacher pissed
- oh yeah and out of rage put a hole in my closet door (=_____=;;;)