This topic has a strict set of rules! If you disobey them, prepare to feel the wrath of whomever I manage to get to loan me their ban hammer.
Here are the rules.
[list][*]You must post a picture, unless replying to a picture previously posted. This is an aim to prevent people just going on random tangents, like we normally do in here.
[*]Your picture must involve something you have been doing in your spare time. It can be recent or old.
[*]Your picture must not be vulgar. [IE: I don't want to see your penis. I do, however, want to see your vagina. No mangina. Ever.]
[*]I will start with an example. It does not have to be your desk, but in my case downstairs was where I was. And laptopping was what I was preoccupied with.[/list:u]
Well? What are you waiting for! Lets go!