The Randomness wrote...
Seeing how I live in America, society has been split in my view. The problem is that now there are fanatics over anything, political groups, non-profit groups, "humanist" groups, PETA and whatever else there is. Instead of being neutral and giving anything else a chance, they bash it. I can't say I don't like pets and I get called a pet hater by some, I can't say I don't think women deserve to be in the frontlines for military operations if they don't do the same requirements as men and I get called a misogynist or woman hater. Of course, these are just extreme examples.
Of course, your examples also work the other way round. Most of society is being careful about what they say due to this. Plenty of people can't, for a moment, look at things diffrently. If I say a political group did something wrong, I'm suddenly ignorent. But It's how many of us are. I've been guilty of this so many times before but now I try and look at something differently for an understanding. Allthough I'll never be able to do that with some of the stupid shit people do. It's not always bad though, defiance has given a vast amount of people more, slaves for example.
The Randomness wrote...
Over here in America, we have the Freedom of Speech, we can say anything about anyone, of course, to an extent. You can insult others but remember that others have the right to say that you are being mean. You can't threaten the lives of others but you can bash their ideas. Anyone can call the president anything, call a CEO anything, call your friend anything. If anyone says that what you are saying is illegal (unless threatening the lives of others such as saying 'bomb' in an airplane and 'fire' in a theater), THEY are wrong. It is your right.
We do have freedom of speech as a civil right over here, but, I think it's more restrictive. If you start insulting someone for all to hear, it might be disturbing the public. If you decide to bring sexual orientation, gender or beleifs into your insults you'll be shut down instantly. That goes for threats as well. It's understandable but it isn't really freedom of speech if you think about it.
The Randomness wrote...
Little by little authorities have gained some power, this is why the Constitution gave limited powers and checks and balances to our system. However, the PEOPLE HAVE TO BE AWARE and not LET ANY of the three branches (which are Executive, Judicial and Legislative) get any power.
Something I've noticed is that the law hopes you don't actually know the rules. People don't even know you don't have to let police stop and search you, you don't have to give your details to them and you aren't even obliged to pay any attention to them if they call you over. People don't know this because they aren't told. We don't really have anything like the bill/charter of rights to stop members of socioty from getting power. I think that's due to having a monarchy before a government. Basically, what the government says, goes.
The randomness wrote...
Instead of society caring about their way of life, a lot care more about what their next Facebook/Twitter update is. Seriously, look around in those sites. I know people who just LOVE to post their stupid shit, such as "hey gaiz, i am at a convention/doing this/bored right now and look at this picture and what we did #1" then comes the second, third, tenth, fiftieth picture in a matter of hours. Along with giving a shit about the new Star Wars sequel as if their lives depended on how good the movie is going to do. These people are too self-centered UNLESS it is something they "care about" and it's only when it "affects them" or a tragic event such as the school shooting last month.
This is what socioty expects of us. When a major event happens
everybody is supposed to make a scene. It doesn't who you are or where your from, if you don't react you don't belong in socioty. Yes, even if it has fuck all to do with you. Once everyone has recovered from their state of shock halfway across the world, they ocupy themselves with something comepletely unimporatant. This is why things don't seem to be challenged much over here and it pisses me off that people think it's fine for this to happen. Most of the people that do challenge the government (by shouting at their tv screan) are complete hypocrits who get fooled into the same shit when their choice of government goes up. People that actually do something like protest are ignored.
The Randomness wrote...
Then comes the "DOWN WITH COROPORATIONS! DOWN WITH CORRUPTION!" people yet they want the next iPad and vote for "their" candidate and not researching anything about said candidate, but they love him and bash the opponent to hell. Neutrality is needed for societies to KNOW what is going on instead of blindly saying their views. People are trying to ban weapons and see them as "unlawful" but instead, they think it's okay to "expose" people who own guns. There was a reporter who gave out locations and where these people live in New York, which is seriously messed up. But hey, if it's "what your party stands for" then it's 100% okay, right?
Again, hypocrites that think their veiw trumps everyone else's. You probably didn't hear about what our previous government did with peoples money. They spent random amounts of peoples cash on random things. One MP actually bought a duck house. A place for her DUCKS to swim into, eat and sleep. But guess what, people still wanted them in power. Now we have a party that supports the rich and is constantly cutting funds to serious areas. They wanted to make the NHS private. That means we would pay to go to hospital. It is a big deal over here. But people will still support this party on the next election. Why?