Darkhilt wrote...
1)In all of their examples,these buildings collapsed because of earthquakes or fire, not because of two multi tonne jetliners crashing into the building at hundreds of miles per hour
No shit. What else are they supposed to show you?
Darkhilt wrote...
2)None of the buildings given in example use the same structural format because of a diminished size
Again this statement bears no concise argument. No shit.
Darkhilt wrote...
3) they say that the building should have stayed standing because of a central point well considering shock is transferred throughout the whole creation as a grid tube system was used if you were to apply thousands of pounds of force to one of the support pillars it would not only cause dislocation of certain pieces between floors and the main floor but the sudden shift of weight in addition to the shaking the other parts of the pillar are now facing would obviously lead to collapse
First, "one aspect of engineering that is not widely understood is that structures are over-engineered as a matter of standard practice." 1
"Also, John Skilling is cited by the Engineering News Record for the claim that "live loads on these [perimeter] columns can be increased more than 2000% before failure occurs."2
"Concerned because of a case where an airplane hit the Empire State Building, Skilling's people did an analysis that showed the towers would withstand the impact of a Boeing 707."3
If you were a structural engineer i would have taken your statement a little more seriously.
Take that away and all i see is a run-on sentence.
Darkhilt wrote...
4) Fire already had a fuel source from plane and friction from plane would have caused it to spread, considering the world trade center was made of mainly flammable components it would have been easy for flames to spread
Again, this statement holds no concise argument whatsoever.
Darkhilt wrote...
5) All examples of fires in previous skyscrapers were office fires
Do please give me an example of a non "office fire".
Darkhilt wrote...
6)The example of the Beijing mandarin oriental hotel actually was on the verge of collapse because of structural failure, it was dealt with before anyone could be injured before it fell, the same cannot be said for the twin towers
"In that instance, the freeway section was made of highly flammable asphalt and took the brunt of a gigantic gasoline explosion with open air fires shooting 200 feet in the air. In comparison, the twin towers were impacted by aluminum planes filled with significantly less flammable kerosene and suffered limited fires that were oxygen-starved and almost out before the collapses occurred." 4
Ironically: “You can’t even begin to compare 5 inch thick steel plate core columns, approximately 2 foot by 5 foot rectangle 5 inch thick boxes to quarter inch and 3 quarter inch dowels that connect the steel to the support members,” 4
Darkhilt wrote...
7)They make a linking claim that files containing information on certain groups located on floors where there was no initial fire were loss...well no shit, the whole tower collapsed into rubble and the 12th floor was unrecoverable as it was in between the two floors on fire and below the plane's striking area, most of its occupants were casualties and probably wouldn't think about saving precious files as they were trapped between two burning floors.
I did not read into the specifications...but what exactly does this argument state?
What do people have to do with with the explanation of lost files?
And did you actually understand the purpose of their statement?
And does this actually have anything to do about with what was argued?
Darkhilt wrote...
8)multi tiered support system would have allowed displacement and was made to retain and resist shock from ground levels if there was an occurrence of an earthquake, because of Impact one-fourth the way down, all floors above would be too heavy to be supported and would have fallen as all structural defaults would have been compromised, the floors below would have been destroyed by the collapse of the upper floors on the lower floors
Again, give me a citation. Or all i see is a run on sentence.
Darkhilt wrote...
9)The supposed thermite is said to be from thermite explosives.Considering thermite is used in explosives and hand grenades as an incindiary, there data is conflicting,thermite should not have been able to make such an occurrence even if it was placed on every single floor
I don't even understand the argument. Are you saying that even if thermite was used it could not
have been found?
Darkhilt wrote...
10)thermite cannot act as a fuel source for so long, the biggest thermite munitions to date last less than an hour and generally thermite fires cannot be kept ablazed by outer sources like flammable material.
No shit. It is used for explosives, not fires.
Darkhilt wrote...
11)For military use,TH-3 is the most common found and probably the type suggested used as others would require substantially large bombs of thermite such as in bombing runs in the world wars, however, barium nitrate, one fourth of the TH-3 compound was not found.
Where did the thermite come from then? Please Explain.