A friend of mine showed me a Washington Post article recently that said moot(creator of 4chan) is now in debt about $20,000 and has yet to find any way of turning a profit from 4chan. He's just going further into debt by charging sever costs to credit cards to keep 4chan running. The first thing I thought was, why would this guy keep running himself into the ground to keep afloat a site that is generally considered the anus of the internet?
But the article also mentions that other sites are having trouble returning on their investments; even sites considered more "friendly" like Facebook.
The Washington Post wrote...
Poole[moot]'s problem is the problem of the entire Internet, which is built on wireless connections and a lot of "theoretically." It's where people spend time, make friends, play games, get news -- and yet despite all of that philosophical worth, the smartest minds in the country still struggle with how to make even the most successful sites profitable. In 2007, Microsoft invested $240 million in Facebook, but the site still hasn't found profits to match its implied worth. Twitter has an estimated 6 million users, but is still grappling with a firm business plan.
So the second thing I thought was, is it even possible to make money on the internet without a tangible product to sell?
What do you folks think about that sort of thing?
You can read the article