Qrast wrote...
What if, a human doesn't have immunity at all then we infected the "AIDS" virus to that person, is that person still get infected by the virus and if yes that the person got infected can't we treat the problem as a whole?
Anyone can develop AIDS and a poor or nonexistent immune system can have significantly poorer outcomes.
The humans immunity system (white blood cells are the biggy) is a line of defense for the body when things such as bacteria, pathogens, and viruses try to invade and conquer (or so to speak). If we didn't have this defense system then our bodies would become more susceptible to infections, diseases, and lesser opportunistic infections that are harder to contract (at least with a good immune system.
If you don't have an immune system (this can be heredity, poor genes, improper nutrition at a young age, developmental issues, keeping far too sterile or clean during childhood/a large portion of lifetime) or a low immune system, then you run a higher risk if acquiring more bugs.
With the involvement of AIDS, once your immune system is shot, the virus doesn't stop there. Various portions of your body will die off such as your thymus (in the throat region) that creates lymphocytes (am important protector if the body), your nerves will die off (which can cause neuropathy or nerve death), and dementia is common towards the chronic stage of this syndrome (AIDS affects the brain and causes deterioration and eventually brain death). Basically the body is trying to compensate and restore normal functions but exhausts everything and can't work anymore, thus deterioration
A big reason we need our immune system is our bodies will always have bacteria in them. Normally this bacteria is helpful (as seen in the flora of the gut and in our intestines) while others are mutual or live in peace with us. When there is no immune system to keep everything in check these helpful/mutual bacteria can become harmful to us and begin to rebel. Eventually these bacteria can get the better of us and without control will destroy our body and cause serious damage.
hentaixpert wrote...
On your third paragraph you said that it is not always by the exchange of bodily fluids from intercourse, but it is always by the exchange of bodily fluids, either it be consensual or not (which is sad). It is really really difficult to tell if a person has any STD. There is a difference between them knowing of this and do not want to tell you about it, and them not knowing of this. I still believe that karma has its ways and will find a way to tell them that they were being a dick/cunt.
I agree that it is not an excuse to sacrifice people for that purpose, but we know what happens when everybody is afraid to get STD's. They buy preservatives. If everybody knew there was a cure available, we would be back to having orgies in the middle of the bus stop. The human can be such an asshole that one would have AIDS and not tell the other because he/she thinks they can get the vaccine.
In my opinion, although it is very harsh, it regulates and implements fear on peoples mind when it comes to having intercourse with strangers.
I don’t normally get pissed off, but I think you may have done this with me a little bit H-x. Here is why, you think that those who develop AIDS is some sort of karma (basically meaning that this is just punishment) for any terrible things a person has committed in their lives? Have you ever seen a person with severe HIV or AIDS? Even if the person acquires an STD, this doesn’t mean that this was some divine punishment for them to suffer for their actions and should never been viewed as such. I don’t care how much of a scumbag your are, no one deserves to live with HIV or AIDS.
HIV is transferred through bodily fluids, but when you made your opening remark, you made it sound like you can only get HIV/AIDS only through sexual intercourse. Intercourse and the exchanging of body fluids is the most common way. I mentioned through blood transfusions and needle exchange because these are also other alternatives to acquiring HIV. In fact studies have shown that needle sharing has topped intercourse as the number one way of acquiring HIV (this interchanges with intercourse over time however).
Here is the point I am making. This disease is so terrible to live with, especially if you cannot afford treatment. Even if you can afford it, the person still suffers. Don’t think because you have money or a higher status that you are less likely to acquire HIV. All walks of life have it and even though it is more prevalent in others, you don’t know their life and struggles so for you to judge them with the use of karma is petty on your part. If you have ever seen a loved one with this disease or have ever had a friend who has to live with it then you will get to see firsthand just what they will have to struggle with for the rest of their lives. Even better yet go to a hospital to see what an AIDS patient has to suffer through, believe me you will have a change of heart.
I agree with you that the population will increase in number and sex will become more prevalent, but you know what, so be it. I would rather this happen then see someone suffer, for I would never wish this disease on another human being (even my worst enemy). I use to think like you at one point, so I don’t hate you. My job and some personal experiences I witnessed made me more humble on this illness (and many others).
I will also agree on you with instilling caution into others of being careful or having “safe sex”, but when you add karma into the mix, you just look like an asshole. I want to see you say this to a person who has AIDS. They may agree with you or they will hate your guts. Either way, you don’t have to live with it, they do and that will not change. These people are human beings so treat them as such, your judgment only adds to the stigma already out there.