Here’s some helpful tips for the operation of this game:
-To install, mount the disc and then open the CD drive. Copy all the files into a new folder. Put the patch into that new folder and run it. You should now be able to run the Install without needing a CD code.
-As far as I could tell, no special h-code needed. However, the window mode of this game is huge, so if you don’t have enough space for a normal translation box I suggest running a pop-up dialog box. To do so, right click the Quick ATLAS icon next to your time and date in the toolbar as if you were setting up automatic translation, and then select “Options…”. Check the pop-up dialog option, and select “Okay”. You should now get a small ATLAS box when next you translate. The only drawback is you have to switch back to the normal window if you want to add a name or word to the dictionary.
Another helpful tip for any other game is that
whenever I run a Windmill game using ATLAS, it no longer switches out of the game window and to the ATLAS box when a translation occurs. I haven't checked whether this works with anyone else, but if it does it could mean the end having to switch back to your game after every mouse click and game sounds cutting out for some of those games. Just run a Windmill game using ATLAS (I usually do Shukufuku no Campanella) and allow it to do a few translations, and then you should be able to play any other game with this benefit, even if you have to reopen ATLAS after it freezes on a translation, as it oft does. Should last until you shut down your computer. If it works for anyone else, please post confirmation, since I've seen a few people ask how to do what I just explained.