Game Synopsis
As a young child, Sousuke traveled to Osaka and America thanks to his parent’s busy schedules, but eventually returned back home. Once in high school, Sousuke was old enough to live alone (with some help from Asuka, his childhood friend and neighbor), so when his parents had to travel again they let him stay home by himself. Not quite, it turns out. Sousuke’s dad called up two of Sousuke’s friends from his trips: Emily, whom he went to Kindergarten with, and Kotone, a girl from his elementary school days. Both girls had a “deep connection” with Sousuke, and are now living in his house with the approval of his dad! Seeing this turn of events, Asuka also joins in as the battle for Sousuke’s affection begins!
Note: Another game from the Atelier Kaguya franchise, more specifically Atelier Kaguya Berkshire Yorkshire. Those who’ve played their games know what to expect (love scenes aplenty), so if you liked Classy Cranberrys, Delta, or Splash, consider giving it a try. And yes, I attempted to translate the title, so let me know if that’s not right.