Eh, Adam Sessler doesn't really like RPG games and said so himself that he much rather play FPS and action games.
Also, the extra DLC for DA and ME games is a great thing, and many times it is free (if you bought a new copy, since they charge you if you bought a used copy since they don't get a dime from used game sales). So the DLC isn't forced down your throat, it is an awesome addition that you only despise if you don't have the money for it.
But go ahead and wait for the GOTY edition or some such and just buy it all as a bundle a year from now.
The combat isn't bad, and people need to stop complaining about it. Whenever I saw a friend playing Origins he was mashing 'A' to make his character attack faster anyway. It's something people do and the use of talents/spells is unchanged so the active battle system isn't so "you hit me, I hit you". You can still turn on the IF/F circles, damage numbers, status effects, and battlefield conditions in the options, too.
What makes the game bad is that it takes place in Kirkwall. What makes this bad is that as a city Kirkwall is extremely uninteresting. There's Hightown, Lowtown, and Darktown. Guess which one's for rich people, which one's for poor people, and which one is for fugitives.
The city is drab and when a quest actually has you venture outside of the walls, it's just to go to one of three small areas. Sure it's the story of the Champion of KIRKWALL, but they could've made the city at least more interesting or larger if it was supposed to be the focus of a full game. DA2 just feels like a drawn out opening to DA:O.
Mod Note: It appears that the thread starter has deleted his/her opening post. According to Neko-chan's post, there is a similar, if not identical, thread. If someone could kindly direct me to it, I will attempt to merge both threads together.
In the meantime, this thread will be locked temporarily.