Game Synopsis:
There is a kingdom called Kazeria, which has been governing the world more than a thousand years, and people live a peaceful life under their rule. One day, Aurelia, a princess of Kazeria, is sent to Diastan to marry. However, Aurelia and her bodyguards go missing along the way to Diastan.... A search troop is sent soon, but they go missing as well. Kazeria, Amatsu, and Elf, Kazeria's alliance, decide to send elite troops. Like this, Aisis from Kazeria, Nanai from Amatsu, and Kurie from Elf set out for Diastan. What they see at Diastan is a completely ruined Diastan Castle. When they roam around the castle, various monsters attack them one after another and heroines are captured one by one. Aisis finally reaches the master's room and sees....
Thanks for the game, can't really figure out how to make it progress though.
So are you saying you can't get the game working and you need help or you just don't know how to make the story progress due to not understanding Japanese?
Well, from what I figure... It's like any other training game. You just select each of the choices at least 3 times and then you'll get new choices. The bottom choice is for resting your slave.