Old news but it seems no one knows or even mentioned it (besides me in another thread)
ruined Mass Eeffect 3, Dragon Age 2, and many others with your unrealistic developing deadlines
a GREAT example is Pandemic, maker of the best games in the PS2 era, at least it went out in style with "The Saboteur", a great game for this generation of gaming
EDIT - anything below these are replies saving me double posts and hate for it
ExESGO wrote...
EA is a fifty-fifty for me, they destroy and make good titles.
More like they buy the developers, THEN they destroy them, i mean DICE got serious hate when the MoH: Warfighter trailer dropped the bomb on "Early access to BF4"
WTH i was hoping for a new BF: Bad Company Game!
Dr. Nyar wrote...
EA, the worst company in America? I can't really imagine that. America is full of greedy, inhuman companies (and companies are that already in general). As awful as EA is, I can't believe that there aren't worse ones.
But the "award" was apparently decided by ordinary people, instead of people who are actually knowledgeable about corporations, so it's no surprise that EA got it. Hell, they even pointed it out themselves with their statement that "bank presidents, oil, tobacco, and weapons companies are all relieved they weren’t on the list".
Well more people play games than all those you listed combined and if minors are allowed to vote on who got the Poo Award then that strengthens the fact that the majority of the people that voted were gamers and despised EA, well it's not like the company hid the fact that they were carrying out a plan for customers to getting less for what they payed for.