Hentanize wrote...
You better believe this game will look completely different but we might have to wait a long time before we get to see first gameplay footage, let alone seeing this game being actually released.
Takerial wrote...
Combat system needs a complete overhaul. Your basic turn based system it had before would be awful. In the very least, they need to look at an evolution of the materia system.
About that. Nomura has already confirmed that the combat will change and that having realistic characters standing in line waiting to hit and get hit isn't the way to go.
My biggest fear and I expect it to happen is that the game will turn into something action heavy, and with Nomura's track record, it will just happen. Altough I've got nothing against action, FF7 was remembered for its turn based ATB battle system so if at the very least he could make something along the lines of an improved FFX-2 batte system then I'd be very VERY, happy. Let's face it we've never had a decent high budget turn based console game since a long LONG time (FFX2). Persona doesn't count. Last Remnant was very close.
I can't see him completely going away from turn base. Action heavy would suit the story and characters of FFVII even less so hopefully he realizes that.
Again, I wouldn't mind seeing a system that allows strategic and unique use of the materia. There easily plenty of paths you can take with the combat with the materia that would keep a good feel for the game.
It's really hard to say though. I guess we'll just wait and pray.