All games are new and have never been opened, so the codes obviously haven't been used.
Prices are in USD, does not include shipping (optional).
Crysis 2: Limited Edition (selling for $10, listed on Amazon for $17 new)
Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood (selling for $15, listed on Steam for $20)
Portal 2 (selling for $5, hard copy listed on Amazon for $24)
Total War: Shogun 2 (selling for $15, listed on Steam for $30)
Fable 3 (selling for $15, listed on Amazon for $18, Steam for $50)
Whole bundle - $40
I'll be using PayPal for payment, but you don't need to have an account. Just a debit/credit card.
After receiving payment, I can:
-Send you the physical copy(copies) of the game(s)
-Give you the activation code before sending the physical copies
-Just give you the code if you can download the install files on your own
If you choose to get the code and don't want the physical copies, let me know and I won't charge for shipping.
Obligatory guilt trip:
Boyfriend and I are broke as fuck. Literally ~$20 in his account, and I have $0.80 in mine. We barely have enough to eat until Thursday, and his car is almost out of gas. Fuck.