Game Synopsis:
Kazuya is a high school student. He is forced to move to a school dormitory because his parents have gone abroad on business, and they sold their house before leaving Japan. But, his school has no boys' dormitory, so he begins to live at a girls' dormitory. One day, he secretly peeks into the school sick-room while girls are under regular physical checkup, and he is surprised at their erotic breasts. He makes a vow to get their bodies and breasts....
I dunno..with this Overload of Girls, i don't think the Bond between the main hero and heroine can be well developed, and so i dont think the story would be that great...Plus, I'm not good enough to understand ATLAS's English perfectly so idk if i can totally enjoy the comedy part...
Guess I'll have to pass on this one....
you probably messed with the wrong setting then. the one you want is under the administrative tab and requires you to reset your computer to properly change.
OMFG im gonna love this game but ill wait and see if theyre gonna translate it if not then oh well might as well play it in jap... Damn that harem looks hot