The Movie club is preparing a sophomore student film, you are the director and the players are the other members of the club, all girls, lucky for you. The art teacher is also helping with the movie but there is also an another film project going on, led by your rival who is a bit of an eccentric... There isn't much time until the festival...
Trailer Video
Mediafire Folder Link
Dammit, you tricked me! All I saw was the question, I didn't even notice your post #, or the fact that I know your pic (already deleted my answer to your "question").
I'm sorry... but I was looking for this for a LONG time now... I was exploring the Masterlist, when I stumbled upon the G section. I thought I'd find "the game with animated scenes", But I didn't find it... until I learned that the name of the game was actually "Green ~Akizora No Screen~" not "Green green". (Damn misunderstandings and lame-ass noobish uploaders... NO NOT YOU!!!)
And now that I've found it, I shall now give you my signature (Sort off) post...
...Oh, and a +rep, seeing as you SOMEHOW GOT NO REPS FOR THIS ONE!!!