I've recently decided to program my own H game, much similar to the style of Princess Maker or the current Slave Maker flash game in the User Uploads section, although with some of my own tweaks and fun additions (achievements to start). What I am really undecided on is which programming language I should use to create it.
The design strategy that I want to have in mind for the game is that once the bulk of the program is up and running, it would be easy to add a new character simply by adding her pictures, giving her variables, and maybe doing a little bit of conditional programming for special character based events.
The two languages that I have to pick from are Visual C#.net and Flash with Actionscript 3. I have made a few beginner programs with C# and a syntax highlighting NPC scripting program with C#, but I am still fairly new to the language. With Flash, I have absolutely no prior experience, but I'm willing to learn if it's the best choice (I might take it as my elective for this semester as well).
The Pros and Cons that I can think of for each language are as follows:
(Some being opinion/skill based)
Flash Pros
[*]* Multiplatform / Play from browser
[*]* Seems easier to manipulate graphics and sounds.
Flash Cons
[*]* Unless I am doing it wrong, to manipulate images, I have to first convert them into a movieclip, then change the visible property to "false" and the visible property of another image to "true". This seems wasteful compared to C#'s method, and makes it harder to edit a picture that is on a lower layer then the top.
C# Pros
[*]* A Picturebox can be used to change images whenever needed, instead of manipulating dozens of images at once to ensure that only the correct ones are visible.
[*]* Separate forms can easily be used for separate actions (shops, events).
C# Cons
[*]* It's harder (but possible) to embed all images/resources into the program in a way where they can't just be manually viewed.
Below is a very rough example of what it looks like so far in each environment
Flash: https://www.fakku.net/image-404/images/40845-0VUQ77L.png
C#: https://www.fakku.net/image-404/images/40846-1ABDVW9.png
I appreciate any suggestions that you might have regarding my question, or the game itself, and thanks for reading =)