Ahem...oki first of all HI \/ ^_^, second I am the kind of guy that will start doing anything that comes to his mind(yea I had and have a lot of hobbies ( >_>) ) anyhoo I like anime a lot, its one of the few things I continued to like after a pretty long period of time, thus I decided to start a VN translation group, btw experience is not needed, I don`t think I can get that -_-, but if I can it would be great....err...oh yea we need:
-as many programmers as possible(to make the patch mostly and some other minor thingys)~I might help there
-as many translators as possible(japanese-english)~ again I might help here as well, but I am not fluent
And thats pretty much everything for now...I and maybe a few other people will cover the rest(webdesign,cg editing,etc),but if you are interested in a different job feel free to contact me ^_^!
So if you are interested contact me on: --->al.toxicarts@gmail.com<---
PS: Experience is not needed but a certain degree of knowledge is <of> needed!
^this was the original post but since then we have a staff,a blog and now a website which is currently not done yet but we are still looking for interested ppl in joining ^.^
Staff:1 tl(and 2 possible new tl), 2 editors(and another possible editor), 3 programmers, and I take care of the rest ^.^
So if you have anything to offer just send me an email :D
I know making your own translation group sounds fun, you want to be able to play more tranlated VN and/or pleased this community with bringing more translation. (Does what i just wrote make sense ?) Well, it's difficult to find people, but it's much more difficult to keep people. Before making your own group I must advice you to look for joining an already exsiting one. Find a group who wish/currently tranlate the VN you like, there is a chance they need help.
I dont say you must give up on you idea. Just think of what is the most efficient and what you realy want : more VN fater, or your own brand.