So far this has really only been an annoucement outside of E3 2012,
"Curiosty" right now is being described by Peter himself as --
"There’s only one black cube in the whole world, and everybody who’s tapping and chipping and sculpting away at this cube is trying to find out what is in the middle. I’m not going to tell anyone."
-- Sounds like an amazing video game experiement right? Sounds like it could entertain everyone in the world for millions of hours right?! mabye even more! becuase poeple will take of this game for generations too come! Okay, no more impersonations of Molyneux...
Alright here is a big boom into your intrest metre, With DLC, That only one person will be able to purchase, You could buy a Diamond Chisel, one that 'taps' 10 - 100,000 times harder than your standard one,
All for the low low price of ~ $80,000 ~ (Or £50,000)
Alright, so Peter is up to his old tricks again, and this time it sounds like he is racing for money.
A personal feeling of mine is that I feel bad for hating on Peter, He does have some very intresting ideas! (Others that should rather be jokes.) but with the lack of success, being able to deliver what he promised, and overhyping every game hes been involved with... its hard to put faith into him..
Thoughts on whats inside the box of monlynuex??