Ethil wrote...
So, I just got some money I can spend on games for my birthday (which is in 3 days, 8th of Jan ftr), so I'm trying to figure out what to get. Any sort of game you think is good is fine, but since I just played through Eternal Sonata once and kind of liked it, I'm interested in playing some more jrpg's, preferably one with less-than-repetitive gameplay and good story.
I also want to play something as soon as possible, so a game that is already out or one that is coming within a month would be nice.
Currently looking for the same thing but on 360. lol Some Jrpg's I know of and that I really loved playing are infinite undiscovery (Sooo hoping for number 2) Star ocean: The last hope (there are other star oceans I think) Theres more I cant think of right now. GET ELDER SCROLLS IV:OBLIVION Regular RPG but SOOOOO GOOODDDD
On the 11th of november this year elder scrolls 5 skyrim comes out. Thats gonna be awesum. If you hear of any good jrpg's let me know!!! Even if they r on ps3, I plan on getting one in another couple months anyway!!! Good luck on your search!!!
Ethil wrote...
more ppl that has played this and can actually say it is good?
673 users on gamespot have their votes averaged out as an 8.3. Gamespot says it's an 8.5, but I don't trust any individual reviews/ratings - especially those made by organizations like gamespot - on shit. The people hath spoken, and they think it's decent. Watch gameplay videos of it.
It all depends on whos playing, half the games I play are rated like 7 or below on gamespot but I still absolutely love them. Jrpg's are also often given exceptionally low scores by similar organizations and stupid repedative games with virtually no story line like Call of duty consistently get high scores.