The story introduces the player to a Japanese city called Aoharu City, where several local schools are the victims of unknown attacks and kidnappings of students and staff. The various characters in the game set out to find who is responsible for the attacks on their school, with the cut-scenes and fights portraying their interactions with the other schools and among themselves.
The structure of the single player game of Rival Schools varied depending on how characters were selected. If two characters from the same school were selected (with a few exceptions), single-player would play in a progressing story with fights predetermined beforehand and each fight preceding and ending with short 2D cut-scenes to explain the story.
I was looking back on some older games, and I stumbled upon this gem. Caught my eye when I noticed it had Sakura from Street Fighter in it. I'm sure some of you have played this fighting game before. I want to know if and why you loved it.
Would any of you like to see a Rival Schools sequel?