casiopao wrote...
artcellrox wrote...
casiopao wrote...
artcellrox wrote...
Are you fucking kidding me? ಠ_à²
Why? Most Megami Tensei has come out on Nintendo consoles or handhelds even Strange Journey here.
But those were all their own series, and like MegaTen said, Strange Journey doesn't count as a true successor to Nocturne. I mean, seriously, this is NOCTURNE we're talking about! One of the PS2's most hardcore RPGs, and it's true sequel might be coming... on the 3DS. Frankly speaking, it deserves better than that.
At last that does not mean that the game is not allowed to come out to 3DS isn't it? I myself is happy as long the game comes here as i have been waiting forever for Megaten 4.
And if u want the perfect reason, it is because 3DS is selling like hotcakes atm which is probably the main reason why it is released on 3DS.
While I agree that SMT IV should be on consoles, the truth of the matter is as Casiopao says: 3DS is selling big. Also, even on today's advanced handhelds, it's still cheaper to develop for a handheld than for a console.
-The standards for visuals are lowered to a tolerable level. No one really complains about the graphics for a handheld game.
-New handhelds only have a handful of anticipated games, so it'll likely sell more there.
-Atlus is already publishing a game it wants to sell on the Vita (P4 Golden), so they don't want both products' sales cutting into one another on the same platform.
-Nintendo probably helped fund this as a 3DS exclusive.
-Also, it seems Persona 5 will be on a console, and if so they'll need the console team working on that project first and foremost since "Persona" is a brand that will sell far more than a main SMT title.
I don't have a 3DS, and it kills me that the next true SMT successor title will be on a handheld, but I understand why. I don't like it, but I understand.
My biggest worry is for SMT IV's combat. I hated Strange Journey's combat as much as I hated every DS SMT's combat. You can take or leave the first-person dungeon crawling. That's a matter of opinion, true. However, it followed the same shitty rotation screw-ups in combat that every SMT handheld (outside of the Persona games) follows.
How rotation should work:
I go - you go - I go - you go
How it does work:
I go - you go - Maybe I go, but maybe you go - you go again - I go - hopefully I go - etc.
On consoles, SMT games generally have a simple turn process (stylized slightly by hitting an enemy's weakness and such). It's simple because there's a lot of planning involved with defeating SMT bosses, especially when they have cheap moves. For the DS SMT titles this seems to be lost on their devs, as the rotation is so random you can't actually plan ahead.
Example: I was fighting a boss in Strange Journey. I planned to use a shielding magic to prevent a certain attack of theirs from brutalizing my team. Under normal circumstances, it would've worked since the rotation is "I go - you go - I go". However, the boss randomly went ahead of me and killed my squad.
Same shit happens in Devil Survivor, which really hurt me since I genuinely liked Devil Survivor.
Hopefully SMT IV doesn't have a first person perspective since it'll be in 3D, and "3D + first person dungeon crawling = disaster" in my opinion. Though even if it does, I can forgive it (begrudgingly) if the combat has the proper combat rotation rhythm. Even if the story is as epic and majestic as Nocturne, it just won't even be playable for me.