& yes I'm including women gamers & other female gamers sorry if my title is not long enough.
Please allow me to explain why am i asking you all this ahead of time & I'm only asking out of curiosity because if she visits my PSN,if i have a Xbox live acoount since both my PS4 & my Xbox 360 are both connected to our wifi & like i said if she visits my PSN,if i have a Xbox live acoount she visits my profile or if she ever wants to come over yep I'm including if she ever wants to be friends with me or if she ever wants to date me.
If she ever found out my taste in gaming from PSN-to physical copies-to classics-to modern games you'll know what i mean as examples i might say is Querare:magic library,adult games,eroge games,hentai games,varies visual novel & otome games & before you ask me no no i don't buy digital downloads i prefer the actually physical copies & both PSN & physical copies are just 2 examples of how she'll found out my taste in gaming,anime & manga.
& yes i admit some games,anime & manga can be embarrassing to own & of course if any girls & any women ever found out what's our taste in gaming,anime & manga & found out what do we have in our collection rest assured I'm nopt seeking approval & i do love other games,anime & manga other then Final Fantasy,Querare:magic library,adult games,eroge games,hentai games,varies visual novel games including dating sims games & otome games,i do have other games,anime & manga in my collection other then Final Fantasy,Querare:magic library and hentai & i do have other favorite characters in gaming,anime & manga other then Final Fantasy,Querare:magic library,adult games,eroge games,hentai games, varies visual novel games including dating sims games & otome games.
& I'm only asking ahead of time & of course if i met a gamer girl,woman gamers & other female gamers that i might like if i liked her either online,on PSN or in public,etc. & to be honest i don't know should i hide both my taste in gaming & my collection from her & if you wish to include Hatsune Miku series then that's fine with me & to end here or at least for now unless i choose to added anything else in this i like to leave these side notes just in case if you don't know,if you forgotten or if you can't tell.
1. i do love other games,anime & manga other then Final Fantasy,adult games,eroge games,hentai games,varies visual novel games including dating sims games & otome games,i do have other games,anime & manga in my collection other then Final Fantasy and hentai & i do have other favorite characters in gaming,anime & manga other then Final Fantasy,adult games,eroge games,hentai games, varies visual novel games including dating sims games & otome games.
2. I admit that i buy,i still buy,i love,i still love,i play & i still play both the classics & modern games equally
& i like to added this too as well 3.i just play whatever games I'm in the mood to including my favorite games not just Doom :).
& before you asked me yes I'm including all 3 PC,consoles & handhelds.