I'm Nerco bumping this tread because i think this game is
EXTREMLY underrated!
It really needs more attention.
I don't wanna hear about your mom... -__-
What makes this game different from another game out there is that
"this game makes you think", not just tactically but
REALLY think, about the plot, Rapture, really any thing regarding the game.
This is to you guys/girls who don't wanna play this because it's
First of all this game isn't really scary (not like F.E.A.R), you may *jump* a couple of times but that doesn't happen that frequently (and i have completed this game about 16 times and i've only jumped 5 times)
Back to the game.
The story is like no other game you've ever played, it's influenced a lot from Atlas Shrugged, but that's only a good thing.
And the game does a perfect job to mix in Atlas Shrugged into Rapture!
What really took me was the philosophy, most games nowadays is just run and gun action and few times does any of these games have any good plot but this game even got philosophy (yes, some shooter got som philosophy but that's mostly "Don't leave your friends behind" and "You cover my ass i cover your ass")
The one character that stand out from the crowd is Andrew Ryan, the creator of Rapture, he is Amazing!
He got everything a character should have personality, a motive etc.
Call of dutys/battlefields characters, personality *None*, Motive *Start WW3*
And Atlas is a perfect counterpole to Ryan.
"We all make choices. But in the end, our choices make us."
"I am Andrew Ryan, and I am here to ask you a question. Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow?
'No,' says the man in Washington, 'it belongs to the poor.'
'No,' says the man in the Vatican, 'it belongs to God.'
'No,' says the man in Moscow, 'it belongs to everyone.'
I rejected those answers. Instead, I chose something different. I chose the impossible. I chose...
A city where the artist would not fear the censor,
where the scientist would not be bound by petty morality,
where the great would not be constrained by the small.
And with the sweat of your brow, Rapture can become your city, as well."
Some Audio diaries (Quotes) -
Impossible Anywhere Else
A Man Or a Parasite
The Great Chain