If tough to decide, because all the games I loved as a kid have sadly not aged well. I still like them and they hold a special place in my heart, but these days when games are looking more realistic or just outright gorgeous and offer things like Trophies/Achievements to keep me coming back, it's hard to go back to a game I enjoyed 10+ years ago when games are constantly evolving. I recently bought Tomba 2 and Mega Man Legends on the PSN because nostalgia got its hooks into me and demanded I buy them. They [b]do not[b] play as well as I remember them, nor do they look as good. Playing those games was good way to scale how far gaming has come. That being said, it's nice to own them again, though I can't say I'll be coming back to them like I come back to games like Mass Effect, Saints Row, Dragon Age, GTA, etc..