Merek is a 13 year old boy, Living with his mother Avelina in Braseton, Braseton is made up of two parts, North Braseton and South Braseton, North is where the wealthy lives. Live is Simple and good, there is no real hardship but South Braseton, is a completely different story Life is not simple, in fact it is quite hard, people work hard for low pay. Food some times can not be put on the table, and many are homeless and with out family, Stealing and killing are common, and most people only care about ones self, and not the depredations of other. Merek and Avelina live him a run down shack, The water dropped down from the cracks in the wood when it rains, they can not afford the best of clothes and some times have to go cold for a night. And yet, they're happy, Avelina Works in a Brothel at night so she is able to support her and her son, Merek knows what his mother does, and does not like that fact, but he also knows how hard it truly is to have coin come in, and that him and his mother could be worse off, so He accept the fact. But his temper some times gets the better of him, when he is bullied about it and about the fact that he has no father, and often lead him into getting into a fight with other. Merek is tall for his age, he is also faster then what most people thing he would be, and light on his feet, but that does not mean he is a good fighter, and after fights often comes homes with some injuries, One day after being bullied by the local kids, he comes home and has a fight with his mother, trying to convince her to quite working at the brothel, that he is old enough to work and bring in the coin to help both of them, the mother knows that he is not ready yet to to step forth into this cruel and hard world and is trying to protect him as best as she can, Merek get upset and runs out of the house, the sun is starting to set, while being angry and crying, he come across some kids who are trying to steal from a homeless beggar kid the coins he made today on the street, Merek get mad and steps in only to get the crap beat out of him, but is able to save the young boys and keep his coins for food tonight, tire, hurting, and exhausted Merek starts the long walk back home, only to find his shack him and his mother lives in to be engulfed in flames, with out thinking he runs into the shack, yelling and searching for his mother, with in the burning house of his, he find a man, taller then any man hes seen before, hood over his head, and his face in shadows, all he could see was the grin on the mans face, and it made is body go cold to the bone, as fear swept a crossed him, In the tall mans hand was him mother, the life being choked out of her, struggling to get free, struggling to breath, Merek froze in fear, in panic, not sure what to do, he need to save hims mother, she will die, he does not want her to die, he has not even said sorry for the fight they had earlier, But if he does, he himself might very well die, the tall man has not seen the boy yet, but movement catches his eye, and they lay hard and cold onto Merek, he loosens his grip on Avelina but does not release her, she continue to struggle, she then too notices Merek, The tall man toss his mother hard against the wall and starts to walk forward to the boy, Avelina climbs to her feet and yells out as she lunches herself at the tall man, hitting and clawing at him, punching and kicking with all her might to protect your kin. the tall man once again grabs a hold of her, and Avelina cry's out to Merek to run. just as the tall man in dark pulls out a dagger from his belt on his waist and drives it into Avelina, So Merek runs, Runs as fast as his feet will take him, he runs down the stone roads, down ally's and climbs over house, runs along roof tops, and past people. he runs until his feet hurt and bleeds, and still runs some more, after awhile he can no longer run, he goes into shock, and manages, to find a spot to stay in a ally behind an Inn, while he sit there in a corner, behind some crates, out of site, be begins to silently cry.