I'll comment. Actually I didn't want to because I couldn't find anything positive to say, but now that I found one, so I'll say it. Along with all the negatives.
First and foremost, post some damn chapters. It's the only way to accurately judge your work and if this idea of yours is worth anything at all. While this advice, if heeded, can either prove other points to follow or make me look silly for being wrong, it is still the most important so I'm putting it first.
Second, I won't bother talking about your cast being generic, it's unoriginal blah blah (btw, it is generic). I believe writing is a lot like cooking and just as we're not likely to find any new ingredient these days, it's really hard to find anything original in written works. Whenever you find anything that seems original I'm fairly certain that it's just your ignorance, and not the content being totally new. There is another part to cooking that writing is similar. The quality of the work rests entirely on how you whip all those elements together. Now, onto your plot summary, which is based on whatever I could comprehend from the entirety of your posts. Do point out where I'm wrong, I will adjust my opinions accordingly. Boy they suck. No story with a ridiculously convoluted setting that aims only to be a harem/romcom will be good. I'm making a big claim here, again please prove me wrong, but I'm fairly sure odds are on my side. Harem/romcom is by nature lighthearted, humorous etc and focuses on tickling the audience with the quirky interactions of its characters. While complex settings demand you to focus on solemn plots, for you to focus on certain aspects of it while going as far with the events as you possibly could while sticking with the rules you as the creator laid out yourself. Now these sound contradictory to me. Whenever put together, whatever you do you will end up destroying one or the other. Often the setting, since it's far harder to think of complex chain of events than to have a perverted character grope the tsundere's boobs. Oh, and also because you totally have time to be a nerdy class rep while having a part-time job protecting the planet from mutants.
On sticking with the rules you laid out as the creator/author. Another word for it is being realistic. Now I'm not talking about 'realistic' as it is normally used, but I'm talking about sticking to whatever rules you laid out for the world you have and never violate them. Ever. If you must, do it very subtly. It's a huge minus points if your readers notice. And if a sufficiently intelligent reader likes your story enough to give it a proper read, they will notice. Anyway, onto your world building. ...do you even know what you're talking about? The way I see it, you're just stringing cool-sounding words together and call it an amazing storyline. Hey, mix delicious things together and the result will turn out delicious right? ...yeah, let's go to the next point. Oh, before that, I'm not saying that it's impossible to come up with a world setting that is coherent but still allows all the things you mentioned. Just like it's not impossible for a 5 years old kid to prove the Riemann's theorem, just extremely unlikely.
Characterization. Won't bother with commenting what I think of your lineup since if you care to read and understand the above points, you should get the idea automatically. I'll just tell you that characters are only part of it. They may have the most socially pleasant personalities, whatever else perfection you may want to give, but if they're not put in the appropriate situations where the readers can judge whether they shine or not, they are still empty icons. And since there's no work posted such an assessment can't be made.
Okay done with the negatives. Or maybe I just forgot what else I wanted to say or I'm just lazy. Please note that the lack of swear words is only because I think none would do justice to the negatives I said.
Now to the only positive. Please, please prove me wrong. For all the negatives I mentioned and how unlikely I think it is for you to come with a story worth reading with this kind of setup, much less a good one or awe-inspiring, I would always welcome a good read. Oh yes, I can understand how my posts can be seen as too harsh and/or too serious, but it is only because I think unless a story takes itself seriously, no reader will.
Oh and I'm not a stellar author myself and my works do have their weaknesses, a lot of them. It is the lack of my ability as an author that I couldn't avoid them so if you found any, please kindly point them out. There's always room for improvement for all of us.