Chapter 2: Welcome to the neighborhood.
About noon or so I was jolted awake by a crashing noise coming from the other side of the all where my bed was. My head pounding with a ravaging hangover, I got up and slipped out of the clothes I was wearing yesterday and into the bathroom, where a warm shower and some aspirin would do me some good.
“Never will I drink that much again,” I muttered to myself, as I gulped down some watter and two aspirin. “But thank god I'm on vacation for he next two weeks.” My eyes were red, and my face haggard. I fiddled with the knob on the shower letting the steam build up a bit before stepping in.
The only thing that work for a hangover, are aspirin and a hot shower. At least that the only thing that work for me, and after fifteen minutes of letting hot water pour down onto me, I stepped out of the shower into a dense fog of steam, my head clearing up, by the minute. Some artificial tears and the redness of my eyes, would soon dissipate.
I walked out of the bathroom with a towel tied around my waist. in to my bedroom a gush of team following me out, it kind of made me feel like I was in some old Science Fiction movie when the smoke billows out behind the overlord guy.
Inside my bedroom I pulled on a pair of clean boxer shorts before digging into the closet for a pair of khaki shorts and a polo shirt. I took the towel I had around my waist that I had tossed onto the bed and rag dried my air to a point where it was still slightly damp but dry enough.
A full body mirror sat in one corner of the room and I inspected myself as I slipped on my shoes. I looked a my reflection, and rubbed my face, a few days fine stubble had formed along my cheek's and my goatee needed to be trimmed. But what really caught me was how long my hair had started to get. The Auburn colored locks atop my head was flying every which way from rag treatment and hung almost to my eyebrows.
Outside the sun was shining and the source of the noise was soon to be understood. The apartment next door to mine had been vacant for a few months, as the college kids that were living there had moved out. Someone had started moving in.
“Hello,” I said slipping my head into the door.
“Hey!” A Woman voice said, from inside. “Whoever you are could you come and give me a hand? I'm in the bedroom.”
I walked cautiously into the room not knowing what to expect when I walked in. “Hello,” I said again, not seeing anyone. Except for an over turned mattress in the corner were the closet door was.
“I'm stuck in here,” The woman said. “Some damn box fell over and tipped the mattress in front of the door.”
I smiled to myself almost anting to laugh at the predicament that this poor person was in. I was able to drag the mattress from the door and open it. “High,” I said offering my hand to help the young woman out of the closet. “I'm Lane, your neighbor, and welcome to the neighborhood.”
“Thanks,” The woman said dusting herself off. “I don't know ow long I would have lasted in there if someone didn't find me. I'm Jackie by the way.”
“Your lucky I'm a light sleeper,” I laughed. “Even when I'm out cold drunk.”
“If I woke you up I'm sorry,” Jackie hastened to apologize.
“It's alright,” I said earnestly. Out in the light of the room that came though the window, I could get a good look at the person before me. Mid to late thirties, long sandy hair, and a motherly build. A glint to gold on her left hand drew my attention to a wedding band on her finger, which brought me to ask my next question. “May I ask why you are doing all this moving on your own?”
“My husband is over seas,” Jackie said. Wen e get out of service, my uncle promised him a job at the ship yard here. So through Email I talked him into letting me move here, from the little place we used to live in.”
“And you wanted to have everything set up for when he gets here?” I asked, almost jealous of a man I've never met before.
“More or less,” Jackie said. “But as you can see I'm pretty useless.”
“How about this,” I said as I stretched my arms. “Why don't I help you with all the heavy? I Need to get some exercise anyways. And I won't take no for an answer”
“That would be a god send,” Jackie said, as she moved the turned over boxes. “Just need to get this put on the bed, first.”
After the mattress was on the bed, the room seemed a little more empty, a everything as moved around, and put in place. The rest of the apartment was a bit cluttered a boxes wee piled against one wall and the couches fixed to the coffee table as between them and the TV on the entertainment center, pushed up against the wall kind of gave the room the feel of a Japanese style living room.
Once the room was finished, I collapsed onto one of the couches, as Jackie handed me a bottle of water, and fell onto the other couch. “Thank you very much for your help,” Jackie said taking a swig from the bottle of water, the had in her hand.
“Don't mention it,” I laughed shrugging it off. “I remember moving into the apartment next door seven year ago, and my neighbors helped me out. We're like one big family here.”
“Well at least let me treat you to dinner,”Jackie said as she stood up walking to were her purse was sitting, grabbing her cellphone.
“Knock, knock,” a mans voice said from the open doorway. When I turned I say that it was Jaye.
“Oh hello,” Jackie said. “I'm Jackie, and you might be?”
“Thats Jaye, I said a I stood up. “If you ever need a handyman this guy can fix almost anything.”
“What are you doing here Lane?” Jaye asked as h slapped me on the back. “Thought you might still be out cold from last night.”
“I was until a loud crash woke me up,” I laughed, before adding. “And I found Jackie here trapped inside her closet.”
“I was jut on my way to see you anyways,” Jaye said. “Gale has the picture from last night, and asked me to give them to you.”
“Tell Gale I said thanks,” I said as I put the envelope under my arm. “And Jackie, I'll take a rain check on that, I have more leftover food in my apartment than I know what to do with, but if you are hungry, your more than welcome to join me.”
“I don't know,” Jackie said, “You've been such a help, already, I don't want to impose anymore.”
“Trust me,” I said. “There's enough food in there to feed an army.”
“Give me a few minute to change and I'll be right over,” Jackie said finally giving in.
I walked out the door, where Jaye was standing. “Your being awfully nice, Lane. Is it me or do you like her?”
“Even if I did, and I'm not saying I do like her,” I said looking Jaye right in the eyes. “She's married, and at least six years older than I am. Besides there I someone else that I like.”
The word's escaped my mouth before I knew it, Jaye raised an eyebrow and looked at me as if he was trying to read my mind and figure out who it was. Though Jaye had the common sense not to ask me who, he knew it already, and so it seemed half the apartment complex knew it as well.