Haiku: On Haikus
Haikus are easy
But some times they don't make sense
SemiStory: The four Magi
Once, there were four brothers, mages all.
One controlled the gift of Music, and brought Life through his compositions, Composer was his title.
One brought Joy through his healing grace, Healer was he named.
One conjured Wonders through his ability to create, Artificer was he known.
One brought to life buildings of magnificent Beauty, Architect he was called.
Together they brought Euphoria to a land stricken with Doubt and the land was filled with Light.
Though they brought Happiness, it was foreseen that They would Betray all that they wrought and all would be as Dust.
The Composer, was consumed in Blackness of the lives he created, his soul Rotted to the core and where he once created music to bring Life, he created instead in the name of Death.
The Healer, burdened by the Traumas he witnessed, lost himself in the misery and sadness, pressed down by a burden too heavy for him to bear--he became convinced that to end suffering he must destroy the Source, and swollen graves lied in his wake.
The Artificer, so Jaded by his own wonderful creations in the name of Good, became bored, and decided to create in the name of Pain--his soul murdered by his mind as he sought to entertain himself.
The Architect, lost his family to his brothers, and consumed with Grief, saw only Shadows in a world filled with light and created monuments of Power to bury the world.
So Dire was the world that many believed the End was near.
So Betrayed was Humanity by Her wayward Sons.
So Horrified the Gods were that they purged the World.
So sad the tale of the 4 Brothers and the World that Bore Them.
Read if you want, Criticism is appreciated.