I wrote it for one of my classes, was told it was rather good so thought I'd share.
“Geeze Siv can you move any slower?”
“Shut up Greg stabilizing molecular re-transponders is no laughing matter, especially on something this big.”
It was the same story every day on Taros Sigma an Ultra class battle cruiser in the United Earths Navy. The Taros was a beast of a ship spanning just slightly over a mile in length, with cannons the size of small skyscrapers along her flanks in neat orderly rows until the gargantuan engines pulsing with white hot flames near the end of the ship. Even though she was a war vessel, the Taros Sigma had a Majestic flair about her as well. The bow was adorned with a solid gold Angel, with gold wings that spread over the nose of the nose of the ship giving a sharp contrast to the darker-than-black hull. Aside from the Angel the only other artistic feature was the observation deck itself, a purple bubble that looked like someone had placed a piece of amethyst upon the bulky black ship as a crown jewel, and the ships name itself emblazoned on either flank in sprawling calligraphy.
Unfortunately for most of the crew, they have rarely ever seen the exterior of this exquisite vessel, most were either born on it or those who had the fortune of being shipped onto it caught only a glimpse as they passed through the boarding tubes into the dim florescent lit interior. A chime that sounded like a funeral bell echoed throughout the Taros Sigma, signaling a shift change for the countless souls working in the bowels of the ship that kept it running.
“Seems like we just woke up huh Greg? These fourteen hour days aren’t so bad once you get used to them.”
Siv said as he packed up his tool bag and prepared to head back to his room for a quick shower before heading to the galley for some food followed by a shower and some sleep before he started the whole process over again.
“Yeah I guess Siv, then again I was born here so I’m used to it, must be hard for a while for you planet side types huh?”
“Well I’m actually a spacer, I’m from Station Thirteen in the Omega system.”
“Oh yeah that just narrows it down for me, you know cause I get off this floating casket all the time to see the world.” Greg said sarcastically throwing Siv a few of his tools before lighting up a cigarette, “So whats the plan tonight, wanna hit up the bar after chow? I hear Sandra is going to be singing again tonight, and don’t say no cause I know you have a thing for her and love to hear her sing.”
Siv gave Greg a look before tossing his heavy tool bag at him, causing him to stumble backward and let out a small laugh,
“You just know me to well don’t cha Greg, only been here about two years and you can already read me like a book, tell me what makes you think that?”
Tossing Siv’s bag onto a tram that would take them back to the living quarters before jumping on the tram himself, Greg offered Siv a hand up, which Siv gladly accepted, before saying,
“Not that hard to tell, anytime she’s around you get these big dreamy eyes and tend to turn into something akin to the slop they feed us for breakfast.”
Siv shook his head and looked away as the tram sped toward the living quarters, passing past dark corridors where Siv knew the countless people were doing the exact thing he was doing, day in day out. As the tram lurched into the station, Greg and Siv quickly got off as the mass of grey suited workers shuffled on like mindless zombies.
“So ill see you here in about an hour so we can see your lady friend sing at the bar ey Siv?” Greg said as they made their way off of the platform.
“Yeah I guess, see you in an hour, maybe a little more, it tends to get a little crowded in the hallways round this time, but I’ll be here.”
Siv gave a wave as he parted ways with Greg, maneuvering his way through the mass of people to his home, a small ten by ten single bed unit about eighteen decks up from the station. As he bumped his way though he overheard a young girl talking to her mother about why she had to go to school,
“Because Honey, you need to learn about your skills so that you can get a job on this ship, who knows maybe if you study hard you might be able to get a job as a navigator and be up in the observation deck.”
The small child beamed at her mothers words of encouragement, seeing anything but dull grey gunmetal and out of the bowels of the ship would be the greatest thing to anyone born down here.
Siv remembered when he asked his mom the same question back when he was about her age, though her answer was a little bit different, more like “If you study hard you could be a doctor or a lawyer, maybe even a senator in the United Earths Council!”
Siv chucked at those distant words of encouragement, if he had knew then what he was doing now he would of studied himself to death instead of relaxing and playing games with his friends throughout his younger days. Siv’s nostalgia was cut short by a low rumbling coming down from one of the large tunnels that linked the ship’s tram system together followed by the blaring of alarms, turning the normally quiet dim into a loud dark red.
“This is Captain Viceros speaking, we are under attack all available hands to your stations, this is not a drill prepare, alert status five, this is not a drill.” The loudspeaker blared with relative calmness for the situation at hand. Another rumble flowed through the ship, as if to emphasize what was happening.
Guess this cancels drinks tonight, Siv thought as he dashed towards the approaching tram to make his way to his designated station near one of the port side guns. Suddenly Siv was thrown to the ground as a large explosion rocked the ship, sending a wave of flame rolling down the tram corridor, consuming everything in its path with its large orange maw. As Siv watched it seemed almost like a wave of water, washing down the tunnel rolling with each turn in a wave of fiery death that burnt everything in its path. He shielded his eyes as it whooshed past him, feeling its immense heat as it consumed the tram, vaporizing everyone and everything on it. As he lowered his arm at the fireball went past, he thought how lucky he was, if he was just twenty feet closer he would have been a charred puddle of goo by now. That thought quickly vanished and was replaced by the old saying of †˜Don’t count your chickens’, when a boarding pod bearing the symbol of the Urintu Legion burst through the outer hull sending steel panels flying into the crowed of amassed people, killing scores instantly. As the pods doors opened black clad figures spilled out, like demonic figures from the gates of hades, firing into the crowed with excellent precision. As one of the daemons landed in front of SIv with an audible thud, he froze and starred at his impending doom with a look of terror. It seemed as if he was moving though water as the Urintu Legionnaire, Lieutenant Charkov according to the nametape on his chest, slowly brought up his rifle level to Sivs chest with a practiced precision, looking at him from behind a red eyed gasmask which covered his face displaying absolute calmness. Siv watched the bright red beam exit the soldiers weapon as it crossed the space between them and then through him, and starred in confusion at the hole in his chest as he slumped lifelessly though the floor his past flying through his head until his final thought of himself as a child looking out into space saying “Mom, I know what I want to do when I grow up, I want to be in the Space Navy, I bet no one could hurt me in one of those big ships”.